Ruskin School of Art MFA Degree Show
University of Oxford

HD Single Channel Video, Silent
Latitudes is an installation, video work, and text of the same name. The installation was composed of wall-to-wall plaster wave-form tiles. The tiles were designed to break under the weight of bodies walking across them to view the video embedded into the far wall. The video contains a single durational scene of overlapping waves. A white sailboat crosses Lake Huron. Narrative and diaristic fragments appear on the horizon, as the mind is seen pulled in and out of an undertow of past and present memories. Latitudes refers to the horse latitudes, a region 30° N and 30° S of the equator, where the crews of becalmed ships threw horses overboard to conserve water. Ideas around consuming and being consumed —by the lake, by love, by a person—are remembered, as lovers become waves, plaster, horses, dead weight, fruit, and everything is subsumed.