Names for Paintings for Another Time
Published by Swimmers Group
Year: 2017
Special Thanks: Gart Darley
Envelope embossing performed by Pam Lobb at Graven Feather, Toronto
19 sheets printed on archival alkaline/acid free paper
Produced in an edition of 25 with 3 artist proofs
My deepest gratitude to Sebastian Frye of Swimmers Group for his ceaseless pursuit of excellence, collaboration, and unwavering belief in this project.
Names for Paintings for Another Time assembles in facsimile reproductions a series of typewritten concrete poems by Sarah Sands Phillips. Emphasizing the tactility and structural ambiguity of language, we collaborated closely with Sarah to imitate the size, look, and feel of the originals. The result is an artist multiple extending from the lineage of her poetic sculptural practice.